How Much are Closing Costs in Utah, 2025 Guide

Purchasing a home comes with hidden costs that go beyond the price tag on the house. Many of those extra costs that are unavoidable are wrapped up in one term: Closing costs. So if you’re wondering, “How much are closings costs in Utah?” then we’ve got you covered. Read on to see what it covers and what it costs.

What is Covered in Closing Costs?

A picture of a man holding a pen and writing: computing the cost of closing.

When it comes to buying a house there are a lot of people who need to get paid for the role they played in helping you finally move into your house. This team includes people such as your realtor, a home inspector, a home appraiser and more.

Some of the fees you may be paying in your closing costs include:

  • Origination Fee 
    This fee is paid to the mortgage lender for the cost of processing your loan.
  • Appraisal
    Lenders will generally require an official appraisal before they will lend you money.
  • Title Insurance
    When you close on your home you purchase title insurance. This protects you from any issues that might be uncovered with the title in the future.
  • Credit Score Check
    To qualify for a loan they need to check your credit score to make sure you qualify. This fee covers for that check.
  • Earnest Money Deposit
    Earnest money is the money you include with your offer. It shows that you are serious about your offer on the home and your desire to go through with closing. This is typically around 1%-3% of the sale price. The good news is this money is held in escrow until you do close at which point it is applied to either your down payment or other closing costs.
  • Title Fees
    Title fees go to your lender to cover any recording fees or courier fees and are usually just a few hundred dollars.
  • Property Taxes
    This can vary, you may be required to pay the pro-rated amount of property taxes that you would owe through the remainder of the year.

Other fees that need to be factored in when you’re looking at buying a home include the homeowners insurance, property taxes, utilities costs and maintenance costs.

Who Pays the Closing Costs?

Woman holding a credit card and a laptop, phone and paper on a table.

It’s often the buyer who pays the closing costs though it’s not set in stone. Negotiate with the seller to see if they would be willing to pay or share the closing costs. A real estate agent comes in handy when negotiating closing costs, though remember, paying your relator is another cost you’ll be paying at closing. Because you can’t control whether or not the seller will be willing to negotiate on closing costs make sure you go into the deal prepared to pay all closing costs if necessary.

How Much Should I Expect to Pay in Closing Costs in Utah?

So, are you ready for it? Just how much are closing costs in Utah in 2025.

According to data from, as of January 2025 Utah County home prices were up .02% compared to just one year previous. Homes were selling for a median price of $495K. Since you will pay on average 1.1% of your homes price in closing costs, that would make the total closing costs on a median home price of $495,000 be $5,445.

Depending on where you live in Utah your costs could be higher or lower as the market prices go for homes. Because it’s now more of a buyer’s market in Utah heading into 2025 home prices across the state are generally between $400,000 and $600,000. These prices would reflect $6,600 in closing costs for a $600,000 home.

Can’t Afford Closing Costs?

A senior woman holding papers looking stressed while looking at the documents

Closing fees could be a deal breaker. An extra $5,500 dollars isn’t petty cash and can make an already expensive house in an expensive market out of reach.

Are closing costs just one of your house selling and buying problems? If you’re trying to sell in this highly competitive market and your house isn’t stacking up to the competition then you should consider doing yourself a favor by working with a non-traditional home buyer.

Investors like Gary with Gary Buys Houses will buy your house in any condition, no repairs or upgrades needed. He also asks for zero commissions, zero scary hidden fees and Gary pays all the closing costs. Contact Gary to get your cash offer today.

Gary Parker

I was a part owner in an electrical contracting firm in the late 1990’s and started to get interested in real estate around 2001. My business partner and I bought our first rental property in 2002. From there we did several real estate transactions until we decided to close the electrical business and part ways. In 2009 I started Gary Buys Houses which is owned by my wife, Eileen, and I. I felt like I could offer one on one personal service to people that wanted to sell their house quickly or not worry about repairs and such. Today, I have built a reputation of being fair and honest with people no matter their situation, so the business continues to help people and be successful. I have been married for 34 years, and have one son, two step sons and 4 grandchildren. I like to travel and spend time in Southern Utah exploring.

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